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Notes from this week's podcast: Welcome Humility -- Following Christ & Asking Practical Questions

Feb 13, 2025

True humility in the sight of God is a spiritual position. 

It's an act of submission, not to your flesh, but to Father God. 

In surrender, your life is "not about me but the Master." 

Meek means "no more me" and "all of God." In surrender, you are meek. 

It's a deeper dependence on God. Our society teaches us the opposite -- to be independent. 

We choose humility by submitting to God's authority. 

False humility robs the blessings of God from your life and opens the door to defeat. (Pride can bring unnecessary stress and even health issues.)

Humility opens the door for peace and allows others to speak truth to you. 

* Listen for examples of everyday prayer prompts. 

* Listen for practical (heart examination) questions. 

Scriptures for meditation: Colossians 2:18, Micah 6:8, Colossians 3:12, Psalm 27:11, Psalm 119:130 

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Notes from this week's podcast: Step by Step. What's the Next Step?

Feb 06, 2025

 In our last conversation, we discussed that our faith journey is step by step, not overnight. 

We recognize pride; we can smell it. But, we need to surrender. Surrender comes through humility.

We turn our focus "from me to the Master." Surrender is following the Master.

In Luke 9:23, there are three steps: (1) deny self; (2) take up your cross; (3) follow Me. 

No exceptions. No flattery. No pride. It's sin.

We're after righteousness, not our rights.

Since we try to hide our flaws and failures, ask God how you can surrender. Remember, He's making you into the image of Christ. 

The only stronghold you want in your life is God. 

Let God minister to you, exalt you. 

 Scriptures for further study: 1 Corinthians 15:31, 1 Peter 5:6, Philippians 2:5-8, Proverbs 27:2, Isaiah 6, Proverbs 11:2  

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Notes from this week's podcast: Jo's Conversation with Carolyn

Jan 30, 2025

In the conversation with Jo and Carolyn, there are some statements that might help you as you walk your journey of faith with the Lord. Perhaps there is one statement that might be your personal application.   

As you begin listening, use this Scripture as a banner over you and let it encourage and motivate you: Jesus said to them, “My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to finish His work." - John 4:34  

* This discipleship is a continual journey. We lay a foundation. We learn, apply, and serve. 

* God may allow circumstances (hard or easy) so that we can reach back and grab concepts or even character traits of Jesus that we have been taught. 

* It is important to know what we really want. 

* It is important to have someone to walk with you (for accountability).  

* Discipleship can look different depending on how hungry you are and what time you have. But, dive in. God will increase your...

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Notes from this week's podcast: Steps to Follow God -- It's Practical

Jan 23, 2025

Remember, this journey is not busyness. It's for you. Let that sink in. Make this personal.

Surrender is the key word. Why are you surrendering to God? What are you surrendering to God?

Surrender is not what you give up but what you will gain. But it takes a heart of humility. Do whatever God has instructed you to do. 

Here are some Scriptures for your meditation: 

  • Deuteronomy 6:5 & Luke 10:27
  • Philippians 4:13
  • Galatians 2:20, 5:24-25
  • Ephesians 3:20
  • John 4:34 & John 17:4

Assignments for this week:

  1. Read the book of Esther.
  2. Build an altar. Get on the altar. Give it all to God. Attach yourself to Him. He will take you where you will be fully satisfied.
  3. Thank God for everything. (1 Thessalonians 5:18)

Lastly, remember to listen to the full podcast (hisvessel.org/podcast). 

If you have any questions or just want to reach out, please do! [email protected]  

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Notes from this week's podcast: Reputation -- Protected or Surrendered?

Jan 16, 2025

Friends, we're on a journey! We want to be vessels -- emptied of self, filled with Father God. 

What are some truths from God's Word that you've gleaned from last week? What are some words or rhemas that God has given to you? Are you taking note, writing them down? 

Surrendered may seem like an empty word, but it's a fulfilling word: to be one with Christ, single-minded or single-purposed with Christ. Do we have the mind of Christ or have His purpose in mind as we live our lives?

Here are some Scriptures for your meditation: 

  • John 17:21
  • John 10:10
  • John 3:30
  • John 17:4 

Here are some questions for you to consider this week:

  1. Are you living surrendered? If so, that's great. If not, why not?
  2. Is Christ your standard? Remember, He made Himself no reputation. (Philippians 2:5-8)
  3. What does God want from you? 

Lastly, remember to listen to the podcast (hisvessel.org/podcast) and get your assignment from Jo. 

If you have any questions or just want to...

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Notes from this week's podcast: A Radical Question Demands a Radical Answer

Jan 08, 2025

 If you haven't yet listened to the podcast this week, here are a few notes to get you started. And, hopefully you'll join us on the journey soon! 

We have a new beginning for 2025. We have a season of opportunity. But that's not all. God has things in store for us -- greater than we can think or imagine. 

Let's think about two words: becoming and radical. 

  1. Becoming - Becoming is a process. Specifically, for us, it's a process of God making us who He desires us to be. 
  2. Radical - To be radical for God is to get back to the fundamentals. (For example: It's a fundamental truth for a man and woman to marry.) 

Meditate on these three verses from God's Word: Deuteronomy 6:5, John 10:10, John 3:30

Questions to consider:

  1. Do you want to live saved (by God's salvation)?
  2. Do you want to live surrendered to God?
  3. Do you want to live satisfied by what the Master desires for you to do? 

If you answered yes, then you're ready for God to be your life -- not...

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There's A Warrior Inside of Him

Jul 12, 2023

There is a battle going on in the home for control, and the only way we can resolve that so that we can live in peace is to go back to God's word.

God created us as male and female to be husband and wife so that we would fulfill our God-given roles and live fully satisfied lives. If you want your husband to lead, you must let him lead in his God-given role. 

As denoted in Proverbs 31, the woman’s role in the home is to watch over the ways of her household. But what is the role of the man in the home? 

"Then the Lord God took the man and he put him in the garden of Eden to tend and keep it." Genesis 2:15

When God created man, he put him in a home, which was the garden. He put man in the home (garden) to do two things: to provide for and to protect (to tend and keep). It is man's responsibility to provide for and protect the home. Man is instructed to hedge up the home, to put such boundaries around the home that whoever is living in that home would be protected...

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Why Is Gender Being Twisted

May 15, 2023

Transgenderism has gotten out of hand. We have lost sight of truth and gotten way off the pathway of righteousness. We have crossed the line in going as far to let gender identity get so twisted and warped that we are now identifying as animals.

Why? What is the underlying issue? Why does transgenderism have such a compelling movement in our culture today?

There is confusion and chaos, and it has created much division in our culture. This is a red flag that the enemy, the spirit of darkness, is trying to come against the truth about God.

Reflecting on the history of when transgenderism evolved, it slowly crept into our culture in the 60's. Men wanted to identify as women, and it was openly recognized to create equality. That door was slung open, and riots were caused from the hatred and discrimination. The movement was not excepted, and they backed up. They changed their strategy, and another movement began in the 70's as it entered the sports arena. This is when the LGBT movement...

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The Fear of The Lord

Apr 11, 2023

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.” Proverbs 1:7

We have turned away from truth and we are devising our own plans. We have begun to seek after the ways of the world to find our peace, our prosperity, and our purpose. This has pulled us away from the fear of God.

 “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” Provers 9:10

 We are to not only know truth, but we are to live it.

 We have got to get our lives back in order by eliminating the chaos and confusion.

 What it means to fear God: 

  1. Look up to God and you see Him for who He is.
  2. Humble yourself before God and you willing put yourself under His sovereign rule. When you put God as the authority of your life, then you are to willing chose to obey His rule.

God moves and acts on behalf of His people when we get things in order. We need to first look to Father God as the authority over our life, our nation, our churches,...

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Is The Passion Bible the Truth?

Feb 11, 2023

Many Christians today are using the Passion Bible translation, and it's not a translation of the Bible. I was first alerted to the Passion Bible soon after the Passion translation was published. I was at a women's retreat, and the speaker referred to several scriptures and quoted from the Passion translation, and immediately my spirit was quickened. I thought, "that's not what the Bible says." And each time this speaker quoted these scriptures, I would think, "where is this coming from?".

I began researching this Bible and learned from my research that the Passion Bible is really man's philosophy. It is man's thoughts of the Bible. It appears to me from my research that the author of the Passion Bible is attempting to explain his understanding of the meaning of scripture rather than translating word for word what the Bible says. 

The Passion is not a Bible; it's a manuscript. When you're questioning the validity of something, you always look for the author's credentials. So I...

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