
Upcoming Events

Community Events

Montgomery Prayer Breakfast

This annual event gathers city/county/state government officials, as well as citizens and church members to pray corporately for the authorities of the city and our state. This event takes place on National Day of Prayer, every year on the 1st Thursday in May.

Bible Reading Marathon

This annual event consists of 72 hours of reading the entire Word of God over the city of Montgomery at the state Capitol. Watchmen in other counties also organize the annual event for its local citizens. The Bible Reading Marathon kicks off at the Montgomery Prayer Breakfast and continues for 72 hours thereafter.

Biblical Teaching Events

Biannual teaching events are organized and taught by Jo Hancock, on relevant biblical topics for the disciple of Jesus Christ. The teaching events are made available through in-person attendance at the Vessel Room or by virtual participation.


Community Partnership Events

Citywide Prayer Walks

The first Saturday of every month, local ministries and citizens gather to walk through specific neighborhoods in Montgomery, praying for local communities, schools, government, and churches. The monthly prayer walks are organized and led by the Our Montgomery ministry team.