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Loving Like God, Podcast by Jo Hancock

Aug 12, 2020

We're to love God, that love that word for love, there is an action. It is an action that gives so where to respond in an action. When we love God with all of our heart, all of our soul, and all of our strength, and it's a giving action. Now I want to stop right here and say something so many times when we hear the word give, we think of what we think of money. When we say the word love, we think of feelings. I want to broaden our scope, our understanding of love and zero in on God's love to go beyond those narrow understanding of love because in Deuteronomy 6:5 it that love there is an active giving, but it's much, much more than materialistic giving of money. This is amplified. This is repeated in a commandment when Jesus spoke. And he said in Matthew, 22:37, when he said the greatest commandment is to do what? Is to love the Lord, your God, what?

With all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind, that Greek word for love. There is an agape. What I want you to see in the new Testament. There are many times when the word love is used. It means I got agape. That means an unconditional love. That means that God loves unconditionally. And when I agape, when love is spoken there, it's always an action of giving. In fact, every time in the new Testament, when you see the word love used, and it's the Greek word for agape, you can write right over that word love, giving, because it is an action of giving of some kind, always an act of giving. And it always comes out of the spirit of man. It comes out of the heart of man. It doesn't come out of your emotions. It comes out from the very depth of you and God taught us this.

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