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My Christian Friends, Where are You? Podcast by Jo Hancock

Sep 03, 2020

Hey Christians, it's high time that we wake up. (Romans 13:11). What does that mean? That we come out of our spiritual inactivity and it's time to get active, to get spiritually active walking those principles, those precepts, those truths that we hear in the sermon every Sunday, those truths that we read in our Bible, those truths that we glean from our Bible study, those truths that we'd been taught to walk all of our life.
It is time that we don't be lax about them or that they lay over there on the shelf and it's time to get them off, dust them off and put them into practice and to live it. See, our nation, I believe is hanging in the balance.  Our way of life as we know it, and many of us, as we have known it, probably all of our life, is hanging in the balance and we see there's a problem, but we're just waiting for somebody else to solve it. God, I believe is speaking to the Christian, to the heart of His people.  It is time to wake up and there's some things that we need to do.
I want you to take action. I want you to get in the fight for your life, for your family, for your home, for your church, and for your nation. And not just think about this, there's some very specific things I want you to do. We all have a voice. I want you to use your voice. And number two, we all have a vote and I want you to vote.
I'm speaking to community leaders and I'm saying, don't sell us out do what is righteous. If they're Christians do what God's called you to do when He sent you into this leadership position, don't sell us out and allow judgment to come on us because of your leadership when you know the right thing to do. I'm speaking to friends in my circle of influence. I'm asking them to get in the fight with me, stand for truth. Don't bow the knee to ungodliness. So, number one, take action, use your voice. We all have one. Use it. And number two, vote in a few weeks, we've got a major election coming on and I want you to vote purpose that you're going to vote. And then I want you to engage others to vote because this vote could save us or it could take us down.

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