
Let’s learn together how to love God with our whole heart, soul, and strength.

This is a foundational discipleship teaching intended for training each believer how to live out one’s faith in Jesus Christ and bring Him glory. One is taught how to have an intimate relationship with God which leads to living for God. An experienced leader guides you into a life of meaning, encouraging and holding you accountable to applying the essential principles, spiritual habits, and practices to your everyday life. 

This discipleship training is available through an in-person small group teaching or an online teaching format.

In-Person Small Group Discipleship

Becoming His Vessel: The Pathway to Living a Life with Meaning 

The in-person small groups meet together for a 10-month training, February through November of each year. The discipleship training begins with a required orientation meeting held in late January each year. The small groups meet bimonthly at The Vessel Room at His Vessel Ministries for two-hour teaching sessions. Each participant will be required to purchase a workbook for the discipleship training.

The in-person small groups can also be held at your local church or in a home upon request. To coordinate an in-person small group for your church or community, email your request to His Vessel Ministries

The Biblical principles taught in this 10-month training are:

  • Intimacy with God
  • Purifying the Heart
  • Living with Purpose
  • Applying Grace
  • Powerful Prayer Life
  • Spiritual Authority
  • Living in Freedom
  • Made in the Image of God
  • Spiritual Gifts
  • Spiritual Fasting
  • Forgiveness


Upcoming Date:

  • January 30 through November 12 | 2nd and 4th Tuesdays
    6 to 8 pm | His Vessel Ministries | No childcare
    Registration Deadline: January 15, 2024  |  REGISTER
  • January 29 through November 11  |  2nd and 4th Mondays
    6 to 8 pm | His Vessel Ministries | No childcare
    Registration Deadline: January 15, 2024   |  REGISTER

Kathy M.

 Through this discipleship training, my eyes were opened to see others through a lens of love.  I learned that it wasn’t all about me, but all about God. Every teaching through His Vessel Ministries is taught on the foundation of truth and sound doctrine.

Cami H.

I have learned a scripturally-based way to have a deeper relationship with God through this discipleship. The small group allowed me to interact with other women who seek this same type relationship with God and who seek to serve God in my community.  I was surrounded by a supportive, non-judgmental community of women who had the same desire to know God. 

Online Discipleship

Becoming His Vessel: The Pathway to Living a Life with Meaning

  • Phase 1:  The Essentials
  • Phase 2:  The Habits
  • Phase 3:  The Power

This online video discipleship teaching and training program is executed in three separate steps. Written materials for each lesson are downloaded and used to implement the principles taught on the video. Following each lesson is an opportunity for the participant to engage in online discussions with a leader. The participant is encouraged and held accountable to learn and implement the principles taught in each of the three steps.

This same discipleship material is available through a 10-month teaching program executed through in-person small groups.


The three teaching steps are:

(It is highly recommended to complete the steps in order.)

Phase 1: The Essentials

This seven-lesson online training teaches the essentials to having an intimate relationship with God. Out of that intimacy with God, you will see yourself as God sees you…created by Him for pleasure and purpose. 

The seven essential principles are taught through the following lessons:

Lesson 1: Steps to Developing an Intimate Relationship Between You and God

Lesson 2: God Invites You to Come into His Presence…Just You and Him

Lesson 3: Find Peace When You Purify Your Heart the Right Way

Lesson 4: You Were Created for a Specific Purpose, and Here Is How You Know

Lesson 5: Prayer Is No Mystery: It Is the Plan that Works

Lesson 6:  The Key to Living Blessed Even in an Unfair World

Lesson 7: Grace Is What You Need—So Ask for It NOW


Upcoming Date:


Contact His Vessel Ministries for more information.

Phase 2: The Habits 

This seven-lesson online training instills the necessary habits to incorporate into your life…to enable you to live a meaningful life. By incorporating these habits into your life, you are equipped to live and face life’s challenges in a way that brings God glory.

The seven habits are taught through the following lessons:

Lesson 1: The Key to Maintaining Order in Your Life

Lesson 2: You Were Made Amazingly in the Image of God

Lesson 3: Living Free from the Strongholds of the Enemy

Lesson 4: The Key Habit to Overcoming Strongholds – HUMILITY!

Lesson 5: Spiritual Fasting –A Habit that Moves the Heart of God

Lesson 6: The Beauty of Forgiveness that Unlocks Freedom

Lesson 7: Remembering and Remaining in Oneness with Christ


Upcoming Dates:

 August 11 through November 17  |  Sundays (biweekly)
4:30 to 6:00 PM | First Baptist Church Montgomery | Childcare provided  |  REGISTER


September 11 through December 4  |  Wednesdays (biweekly)
9:15 to 11:15 AM | The Vessel Room |   REGISTER


Phase 3: The Power 

This 7-lesson teaching shows you how God specially equipped you with a divine gift and empowers you to pursue your purpose with excellence through the Holy Spirit.  You learn how to identify your enemies and walk victoriously under the power of the Holy Spirit.  This phase is open to individuals who have completed Phase 1, The Essentials, and Phase 2, The Habits.

The power to pursue and live life with meaning is taught through the following lessons:

Lesson 1: You Are Specially Gifted to Live Out Your Purpose

Lesson 2: Be Baptized to Publicly Declare Your Personal Relationship with Jesus

Lesson 3: A Surrendered Life

Lesson 4: Gifts of the Spirit Given to the Church

Lesson 5: Walking Victoriously on this Amazing Journey

Lesson 6: A Life of Love is a Life of Giving

Lesson 7: How to Walk in Your Anointing

Upcoming Date: 


Contact His Vessel Ministries for more information. 

*The Online discipleship teachings can be planned for specific churches or individual groups to accommodate your dates and times. Contact His Vessel Ministries for details.

Kathy W.

This teaching transformed my relationship with God, making God real and personable in my life! I long for and love my time alone with God each day. I have gone deeper in my faith, my prayer life, and in the Word. The passion for God that I have acquired through this training is influencing people around me. I am so thankful for this opportunity and want all my friends to experience this as well. 

Sonya B.

Before beginning this discipleship, I had become a confused person torn between the ways of the world and God. Often bitter at times because I felt I would never get back to God like I truly in my heart desired to be; I found myself worrying about everything, fearful at times, not trusting God. Now once again I know that no matter what, God loves me.  I put God first, being obedient, and trusting Him, with all the circumstances in my life. And because of this discipleship experience, I want to draw closer and closer to God...just because I love Him and He loves me. I want to give Him glory in all that I do. I am reminded exactly why we are glorify God...and I am much more conscious of things I do before I do them in order to glorify Him.  This has helped my relationship with my husband as well, simply because it makes me more appreciative of him and the man of God he is. Even my coworkers see a change in me. I am so thankful that I chose this discipleship class.